A Weekend in San Francisco

This weekend, I will have the good fortune of being able to go visit my sister in San Francisco. Originally, she and her husband were going to head up here to Calgary to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, but her husband will be on a business trip and my sister has to stay home with her new puppy, a cute little black lab named Alice.

The plan was then that my Dad and I might head down for a visit while my Mom stayed home and took care of the Calgary puppies. It turns out it will just be me making the trip, so it will only be a sibling affair.

Years ago, I travelled through San Francisco on my way to play a show at Gilman Street in Berkeley with my old band, but we saw almost nothing of the city. A trip over the Golden Gate Bridge was about all we could muster up for sightseeing. So, needless to say, I’m excited to see a little bit more of the city. I only have a couple full days down there, but that should give me a taste of what San Francisco has to offer.

Even if it’s only for a few days, I’m happy as could be to do a bit more travelling.

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