Alamy Images
As of now, a selection of my photos are being represented by Alamy Images. To see my work on their site, click here.
When I am travelling, I will sometimes be unable to fill some photo requests – being represented by Alamy will provide 24/7 access to some of my images. So, if the status section of my site (top right) indicates that I am in the middle of some foreign jungle and you need one of my images immediately, check with Alamy to see if they can supply you with my photo. Development Underway
The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. Mambo is mamboing and this site is starting to take shape.
The blog is up to date, The links section is populated. A new design is taking shape and looking not too shabby.
Of course, the ‘to do’ list remains much longer than the ‘completed tasks’ list. Much longer. However, with the posting of this news item, the news section has now started to get populated. Yay!