Photos of the Calgary Zombie Walk 2006

I’ve gone through a bunch of my photos from the Calgary Zombie Walk this year and They are now available here. Limp, don’t run to check out the photos!

This year’s turnout was equal to or possibly greater than last year’s and a number of people were intent on outdoing their costumes from the previous year. That meant more gore, more blood, more guts and more fun. Some personal favourites included the zombie whose face was wrapped in barbed wire, the biohazard zombie who carried four litres of fake blood in a pack beneath his clothes to spurt on command, and the golfer zombies pinned back to back having been impaled by a stick.

The Elvis Zombies entertained and the doctor zombie carrying an animatronic baby (with slightly too realistic movements) disturbed. A zombie slayer dressed as Ash from the Evil Dead series (he only needed Bruce Campbell’s chin to complete the look) and a Shaun of the Dead zombie added some star power to the event as well.

It made for a great, early Halloween treat. Here are some samples of the horror awaiting you in the gallery:

One thought on “Photos of the Calgary Zombie Walk 2006

  1. Hello,

    I am wondering if you have any contacts for the persons that are in your zombie photos from the Clagry Zombie walk? We are currently in development for a Zombie movie by Windfire Films.

    I also am lookinfor any information on the persons who organize this event! I need roughly forty Zombies for our film..

    If you can help me in any way that would be great! I can be reached by either email,,, or phone at 403-818-0897

    Thank you and I hope that I will hear back from you!

    Kindest regards,

    Jean-Anne Hawse
    Technical Consultant

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