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Human Planet Slideshow

This audio slideshow of images taken by photographer Timothy Allen is absolutely inspiring or altogether too generative of professional jealousy. It depends on your general glass-half-full/glass-half-empty outlook. I’ll try to go with the former, but I have to admit there is a part of me that wants to figure out how to commit some form of identity theft here…

But then you go over to Timothy’s site and read his inspiring words and you just can’t help but like him:

The moral of this story… Without sounding too corny… follow your heart. And for those of you that think that a statement like that is too wishy-washy, then I’ll rephrase it to… persue the vocation in life that you feel most enthusiastic about. You know… the one that you’d do regardless of how much it pays you. In my experience, if you live this way then no matter what transpires, you will be walking in the right direction in life.

The likelihood is that nothing will turn out the way you expect, so I would recommend not bothering with any expectations of the future. Just concern yourself with enjoying what you are doing in the moment. That’s the place where all the magic happens.

… and if you have discovered that photography is your passion then think yourself very lucky. Many people go through life never knowing such a feeling. Don’t waste it.

Yeah, the glass is half full.

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