Photo to Illustration to Zombie Killer

Thanks to online friend and illustrator extraordinaire dro, I learned that one of my photos was used as the inspiration for a piece for an indie comic called Grunts in which WWII soldiers battle the undead.

I took the photo at the Howarth 1940s weekend, one of the re-creationist festivals that seem to be popular here in the UK. It has now found it’s way into a new form thanks to Urban Barbarian in this post.

Here is the original:

Howarth 1940s weekend soldier

And here is the new, slightly-more-angry version:

Grunts illustration

3 thoughts on “Photo to Illustration to Zombie Killer

  1. What a small world! I guess my version is a bit more angry, huh? Such a great photo. Looking at it now, I wished I would of incorporated your attention to detail a bit more in my illustration.

    I should of made the gun barrel a bit more out of focus like you had it. Oh well, art is a learning process. Thanks so much for posting this. I’m going to put your link in my original post! ~DAN

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